Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Marketing Magic

Many years ago, marketing was all about signage and the Yellow Pages. Fast forward 50 years and though the ways perhaps have changed, the general concept of marketing has stayed the same - effectively get in touch with prospective customers concerning the value of your product or service. In this particular digital age, on the other hand, the number of ways to communicate has grown exponentially, leading marketers to operate complex and complicated campaigns both on and offline.

At least that’s what should be taking effect. At the mention of complex and complicated, you start to drop people. The funny thing is that people are complex and complicated. It’s human nature of having diversity in thoughts, feelings, memories, and beliefs. For a marketer to function, they must have an understanding of this psychology and build their campaigns around it, even if it is more work.

Prevent Tunnel Vision

Working on a single channel can result in certain failure. Maybe failure is an overstatement, but anticipating anything further than marginal success is ridiculous. The magic takes place when marketing evolves to suit the multi-touch world we are in. Every day you watch commercials, tune in to the radio, make an online purchase, use your cell phone, and do 50,000 other activities, most likely at the same time. People are no longer satiated carrying out just one thing. The new norm is to multitask so it only makes sense to try to get in touch with people in any and all means possible.

Uncover Jacks Of All Trades

This is when it gets complicated for marketers. To be effective involves an in-depth, and yet varied, understanding set that is less likely to exist in a single person. Not many people know enough about PPC tactics and printed collateral and social media and everything else to carry out multi-touch promotions flawlessly. The truth is, you must know enough to know that you don’t know everything. That’s when you hire someone (or begin to read every blog you can get your hands on) to fill up each gap.

Have A Plan

Once you’ve got the appropriate people, get the right plan in place. Think of your consumers and potential customers. More importantly, try to think like they think. Where would they go? What would they do? Who'd they speak to? Identify each channel that details your target market and build out campaigns, ensuring you’ve got the right imagery and messaging for each and every mode. 

Busy moms don’t have time to talk to a salesman for 10 minutes and senior citizens aren’t likely to be spending their days playing games on their mobile (unless it’s Words With Friends). Once you understand these doings and build campaigns to match them, the magic will begin.

Soon enough, you’ll seemingly be everywhere. Suddenly, they know your name, but they’re not really sure where they first heard about you. They’ve have a general thought of what your product or service is, they remember seeing something about you online and they’ve got a image in their head of what your logo is. You’ve reached them in every way that matters to them and it’s paid off. Now, let’s hope you’ve implemented multi-touch attribution at the same time.

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